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I keep a number of running threads active on Mastodon at any time. I collect them here, instead of pinning them, to keep my profile a bit less cluttered.[1]

#ReadingNotes are notes taken on a given book.

Current Pinned Notes

#ReadingNotes for Olivia Cronk, Gwenda, Rodney

#ReadingNotes on Carl Becker’s Letters (and Becker more generally)

#ReadingNotes on Emma Rothschild, An Infinite History: The Story of a Family in France Over Three Centuries

#ReadingNotes on Sarah Orne Jewett’s The Country of the Pointed Firs and Other Stories

Older #ReadingNotes (by Author)

Demos, John - The Unredeemed Captive: A Family Story from Early America [Started 2024-12-13]

Kneale, Matthew - Pilgrims
[Started 2024-11-30]

  1. I might eventually turn this into an Eleventy collection of some sort, but right now I’m just keeping up these links manually. ↩︎